Over the last couple days,
Home Run Derby has given a rundown of the presidential candidates and their
baseball preferences. Here is a breakdown, in my opinion, of the rankings of their baseball preferences.
1. Mike Huckabee - Cardinals fanThis is so painful for me. Not only is he surging in the polls, which I very much fear as I think he's the Republicans' best candidate, he has the same baseball allegiance as me. Of course, he did say this in 2004...
“I wanted the Cardinals to win, but if Boston wins, I’m thinking, ‘This is going to be the biggest story in sports history’ “
which makes me question his true allegiance... Cardinals fans wanted to block that possibility from their mind until after the series.
2. Barack Obama - White Sox fanAt least my actual favorite presidential candidate has the second best baseball preference. The White Sox are my third favorite baseball team, and favorite American League team, and the fact that Barack is a no-bones-about-it fan of the South Side, and even talks smack about the Cubs, is a very good sign.
3. Dennis Kucinich - Indians fanI've got no beef with the Indians, and hey, I feel sorry for Dennis. He needs to be ranked highly somewhere, and it sure as hell isn't going to happen on the campaign trail. Bonus points for hometown loyalty from the Clevelander.
4. John McCain - Diamondbacks fanI've got no beef with the D-Backs either, and again, points for hometown loyalty.
5. (Tie) John Edwards and Ron Paul - UnknownHome Run Derby speculates that Paul is a Pirates fan, but they offer no real evidence, so I'm listing him as unknown. I almost put these two at the very bottom for not declaring allegiance, but I couldn't put them below Phillies, Yankees and Red Sox fans.
7. Joe Biden - Phillies FanSorry, but I still consider being a Phillies Fan to be an endorsement of
throwing batteries at Cardinals. And I think Biden needs to be questioned about it in a debate.
8. (Tie) Rudy Giuliani - Yankees Fan, Mitt Romney and Chris Dodd - Red Sox FansAt this point, I despise the two teams about equally. At least these three all have allegiances based on where they live. Unlike....
12. Bill Richardson - Yankees and Red Sox FanSeriously, Bill, what the fuck? You're a fan of TWO teams I absolutely despise? You're probably my second favorite overall candidate, but you can't be both a Yankees AND Red Sox fan. Especially if you're from fucking New Mexico. Amazingly, there's someone worse. And it's none other than....
13. Hillary Clinton - Cubs and Yankees FanSure, she's at least lived in the two cities for which she roots... As much as I'm required to hate the Cubs as a Cardinals fan, I'd at least give her some respect for sticking to her guns if she was a Cubs fan only. But being a Cubs Fan AND a Yankees Fan is probably the worst possible combination in baseball. And it puts her at the very bottom of the list.