Friday, January 26, 2007

Which Alarm Clock?

Hmmm.... I wonder which would be more effective....

Ana alarm clock that forces you to get out of bed as it rolls around the house randomly...

or an alarm clock that flies away?

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Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Jim Webb's State of the Union Response

Remember how I was saying how proud I was of my vote for Jim Webb?

I'm even more proud after the speech he gave last night.

Raising Kaine has all kinds of Webby-goodness today, so I'll just link to the front page.

Here's the video.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

Poll Results, and New Super Bowl Poll

Here are the results of my last poll.

What is your new years resolution?

37% - Lose Weight
25.9% - Get Laid
14.8% - More Cowbell
11.1% - Finish that Damn Book You've Been Working on
7.4% - Finish that Damn Screen Play You've Been Working on
3.7% - Start Smoking and Gain 50 Pounds

No one selected Reanimate James Brown, Reanimate Gerald Ford, Stop Being Such a Racist, or Stop Smoking.

A Super Bowl Poll is now up on the right.

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I predicted the Super Bowl

Click here. See for yourself. On November 17th, I predicted that the Bears would play the Colts in this year's Super Bowl.

(Note: Please ignore my preseason prediction that it would be the Bengals and Giants)

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