Friday, July 07, 2006

Terrorist Plot Foiled?

If this CNN Story is right, I applaud the FBI for their work. Bombs going of in the Holland Tunnel and other parts of New York's transportation system is not a good thing.

However, the FBI-prevents-manmade-Katrina tone of the story is a little much.

Let's go to the story:

A plot to bomb New York's Holland Tunnel in an effort to flood the Wall Street financial district has been uncovered by the FBI, with a suspect arrested in Lebanon, New York's Daily News reported on Friday.

The newspaper, quoting unidentified counterterrorism sources, said the investigation involved what officials considered a "serious plot" to detonate enough explosives inside the landmark tunnel to destroy it and send devastating floodwaters through lower Manhattan.

Sounds bad, huh? But later in the article....

....some experts did not consider the plan feasible because the tunnel was protected by concrete and cast-iron steel....

Oh, so they probably couldn't break holes in the middle of the Holland Tunnel anyway. But what if they did?

.....even if the tunnel cracked, the Wall Street district would not flood because it was above the level of the river.

*****smacks head*****

So the FBI foiled a plan that wouldn't work anyway. As I said, I do think it's good that the FBI foiled the plan, because bombs going off in the Holland Tunnel isn't a good thing, regardless of whether Wall Street is flooded in the process. But this wasn't going to be Katrina, as I'm assuming Bush administration folks are going to want you to think. After all, it wasn't so long ago that the Bush admistration was claiming they prevented the destruction of the Sears Tower......

by seven people in Miami that didn't have the money, the means, Al Qaeda connections, or any real familiarity with Chicago.


What Salon said.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The Latest in Federblogging

From Contact Music:

BRITNEY SPEARS' often-maligned husband KEVIN FEDERLINE's debut single POPOZAO was a joke, according to the dancer/rapper. Federline claims he released the track to capitalise on the fact people were laughing at him - but he got the last laugh as the curious flocked to his website to hear the tune. He says, "At first, when I put out PopoZao, people were kinda laughing at me. I did it on purpose so people would look at me exactly the way they did. "That way, when I come out with my real s**t, people are f**king blown away."

Sure Kev. We beleive you. A question though: Did you really feel the need to lower our expectations? I mean, could our expectations be any lower?

It looks like you've cleaned up your Myspace profile, though. Good for you.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ken Lay is Dead

Enron founder Ken Lay is dead at 64.

And interesting choice of words Fox News is using to describe his death.

Vilified? Really? Let's see what has to say about that.

vil·i·fy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (vl-f)
tr.v. vil·i·fied, vil·i·fy·ing, vil·i·fies
To make vicious and defamatory statements about. See Synonyms at malign.

That's right, according to Fox News, Ken Lay was defamed and maligned. That's about right.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Happy 4th of July!

I'm not feeling particularly inspired for a 4th of July post, so I'm deferring to Chris.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Scientology Orientation Video

As long as I'm blogging about my girlfriend, I guess it's time to tell you all....

We've become Scientologists.

Yes, despite my previous skepticism about Scientology, we couldn't resist the magnetism of this wonderfully produced Scientology Orientation Video. I would like to thank the people at Jossip for brining this bootleg video, taken by a couple people who went to the orientation, for bringing it to the public. As the great L. Ron Hubbard understands, these videos cannot be trusted in the hands of evil organizations like Youtube. Or Jossip's original host, for that matter.
So here's the video. It's half an hour long, but it's worth it. You'll become a scientologist too.

Wasn't that great? Like Amelie Gillette, my favorite quote was:

"If you leave this room after seeing this film and walk out and never mention Scientology again, you are perfectly free to do so...You can also dive off a bridge, or blow your brains out. That is your choice."

****rubbing my eyes****

What just happened? Phew. That was just a dream. Goddamn, that production value sucked. Surely John Travolta, Kirstie Alley and Isaac Hayes could have demanded a better production. Seriously, my girlfriend was about to fall asleep the whole time we spent watching that. People actually get brainwashed by this crap? I know there are some week-minded people in the world, but damn.

By the way, in case L. Ron Hubbard is watching, I want you to know that I wasn't responsible for this post. It was John and Jane Smith.

Logic Tests to Email Your Congressman

Last week, my girlfriend emailed me to tell me that some congressional offices are requiring logic tests to email your congressman. The email she sent me includedthis link and the following info:

Here's an example of the Logic Puzzle web form.
"What is the homonym for ad? You get three tries to answer the question correctly. After three guesses you are blocked from sending your member of Congress an email.

I said there was no way it was real. It had to be a hoax. I used to work in a congressional office, and there's no way congressional offices could be that stupid. But then I found out that the ACLU has joined the protests.

This is pretty real. And I'll never doubt my girlfriend again.