Saturday, December 01, 2007

Karl Rove is Full Of Shit (But What Else is New)

Of all the shit that has spewed from Karl Rove's mouth, the idea that Congressional Democrats are the ones that wanted to rush to war in Iraq in 2002 is possibly the biggest lie I've ever heard him tell.

I was working for a Democratic congressman at the time, and granted I was a low level staffer, but I was still entrenched enough in DC politics at the time that I think I had a pretty clear picture of the situation.

Bush wanted to rush to war. Democrats in Congress accused Bush of wanting to go to war without his authorization. The Republicans, who, remember, controlled the House at the time, made a very smart political call and called the Democrats' bluff. Make no mistake, the Republicans wanted to go to war fast, and wanted a vote before the 2002 election.

The Democrats blew it big time. Enough of them caved (I'm proud to say the member I was working for is NOT one who caved). So the Republicans (1) got their authorization for war and (2) made the Democrats look like hypocritical wimps (which alot of them were). This series of events was the main reason Republicans made further gains in 2002 and dealt the Democrats a blow which they didn't recover from until 2006. This was mostly Rove's doing, and now that everything Rove worked for is falling apart, he's trying to rewrite history. It's not going to work.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Recappinng my NFL Predicitons

I'm a fucking genius.

At the beginning of the season, I predicted the Saints would win the Super Bowl.

They promptly started the season by losing their first four games. To their credit, they're now 5-6. But highly doubtful they'll be winning any Super Bowl.

Wait. It gets better.

I predicted the 49ers would win the NFC West (They're 3-8) and the Rams would win a Wild Card spot (2-9). I predicted the Bears (5-6) to win the NFC North, and the Panthers (4-7) to win the other Wild Card.

But why dwell on all that? I predicted the Cowboys (10-1) to win the NFC East.

I'm looking a little better in the AFC... I predicted the Patriots and Colts to win their divisions, which were pretty much no brainers. I predicted the Chargers too, who despite being 6-5, are atop their division. I predicted the Ravens, though, and they're 4-7. I predicted the Titans to win a Wild Card (possible, although they need to do some work) and the Bengals to win the other (not gonna happen).

You can't get prognostication like this anywhere else.