Monday, August 21, 2006

The Return of Federblogging

Well, last night was a momentous night for Kevin Federline.

As you might recall, K-Fed claimed the initial song that appeared on his Myspace page was a joke:

"At first, when I put out PopoZao, people were kinda laughing at me. I did it on purpose so people would look at me exactly the way they did. "That way, when I come out with my real s**t, people are f**king blown away."

So last night, K-Fed made his big television debut on the Teen Choice Awards, and as a duty to you, my loyal The Nose Knows readers, I flipped back and forth to the Teen Choice Awards so I could catch the performance.

Man, was I fucking blown away.

Ok, actually, it sucked. I'm not saying he won't sell albums, because teens are quite stupid. But that was like Vanilla Ice without the talent. Yeah, you heard me. VANILLA ICE without whatever shread of talent he had. Terribly written song, terrible performance of it, and... I would go into detail as to why it sucked, but it's not worth my time. It just sucked.

Justin Timberlake can breathe a sigh of relief.


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