Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Macaca, Mohawks, Monkeys, HANNITY and colmes

More on George Allen:

So Georgie boy calls an Indian Webb staffer "macaca," which is an African word for monkey, and his staffers claim he was trying to say "mohawk" because of the staffer's hair. Despite the fact that the staffer looks like this. And despite the fact that "macaca" means "monkey" and not "mohawk."

Since Wonkette linked to Dara today, possibly giving Dara her biggest day ever on her blog, I'm going to link to Wonkette's post on HANNITY and colmes.

Are you freakin' kidding me? HANNITY goes on and on giving the Allen spin on the story and wimp-boy colmes' response is "That word means Mohawk. And the guy, by the way, is a native Virginian. He’s from Fairfax County."

I'm going to put together a contest of some sort to make fun of colmes' wimpiness, I just have to decide what to do.


At 6:13 PM, Blogger dara said...

Query: Why is Hannity in all caps, and Colmes in lowercase? Is it to show that Colmes is Hannity's butt-boy?

At 6:31 PM, Blogger Justin S. said...

I refer you to Al Franken. Since I can't change font size, the ALL CAPS and lowercase will have to do.

At 12:04 AM, Blogger dara said...

There is a way to change font size. Either using the WYSIWYG editor, or using html.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Justin S. said...

Thanks, I'll look into it.


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