Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Barry Bonds is the New Home Run Champ. Deal With It.

Don't give me that asterisk crap.

Here's how I see it.... And personally it doesn't matter much to me whether Aaron or Bonds holds the record....

Once a home run is hit, and the umpire doesn't overrule it, and the game isn't contested... Mark it down for history.

Baseball is all about history. Home runs can't be erased. If there was sufficient proof that Bonds used steroids to ban him from baseball before he broke the record, fine. But that didn't happen. The home runs count.

To take away home runs throws the entire baseball universe into chaos. If you're going to take Bonds' personal achievements away, don't you have to change the scores of all those games? Don't you have to take away the Giants NL Pennant from 2002 away? And that's not even getting into McGwire, Sosa, etc. Not just in baseball either... Are you going to take a few rings away from the Pittsburgh Steelers?

And if we're talking about unfair advantages, are we going to put asterisks by all statistics before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier?

The game is over. As far as I know, the Nationals are not contesting the outcome (seeing as they won, I sure hope not).

Barry Bonds is your new home run champ. Deal with it. We'll pick up this conversation again when A-Rod and Pujols break the record.


At 10:23 AM, Blogger violindan said...

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At 10:29 AM, Blogger violindan said...

And Sally Jenkins argues in the Washington Post that even if Bonds has taken performance enhancers, that makes him no different from the rest of humanity.

At 11:22 AM, Blogger Joe Grossberg said...

"And if we're talking about unfair advantages, are we going to put asterisks by all statistics before Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier?"


At 2:05 PM, Blogger dara said...

Barry Bonds managed to hit more home runs than anyone else in recorded history. Good for him. And yes, by most accounts, he is a crappy human being who used performance enhancing drugs -- but was never caught.

Can we move on now? I mean, the Giants are firmly entrenched in last place in their division. Bonds could hit a homer a day through the end of September (or, more likely, based on his current pace, one a week), and it still wouldn't make much of a difference.

At 3:05 PM, Blogger dara said...

Ignoring my own mandate, I just found this and thought I should share.

At 3:17 PM, Blogger Justin S. said...

Dara, the people who created that site need to read my blog and learn to deal with the fact that history is history.

At 2:19 PM, Blogger dara said...

Did you read The Onion's take? It's very, um, not fake.


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