Thursday, July 05, 2007

Now that I'm 30... My 500th post.

Coincidentally, this is my first post as a 30 year old and my 500th post overall.

So I woke up with weird stomach problems... not really sickness, just weird stomach problems... at around 6 AM, and couldn't really fall back asleep. Maybe this is the norm for people in their 30s. Because I'm obivously a completely different person than I was when I went to bed last night, with a different first digit in my age.

Today, I thought I'd google the phrase "now that I'm 30" and see what I come up with.

Here are some samples...

**** Now That I'm 30 (My Top CDs)
**** Music I Live By Now That I'm 30

So apparently, I'll continue listening to music in my 30s. Good to know.

**** I could have said that people will respect me now that I'm 30. Who am I crapping, though?

I agree with that sentiment, and am glad I'm still allowed to use the word "crapping."

**** Also, I’ve decided that, clearly, the universe was trying to point out to me that now that I’m 30.

Hmmm.... I don't really believe the universe a) cares much about me and b) has fingers.

**** It was just about seeing things differently now that I'm 30: slow down, enjoy the moment.

Yep. As Warren Zevon said, "Enjoy Every Sandwich." Incidentally, congrats, Warren, on being the first person I've quoted in my 30s.

**** Now that I'm 30, I feel that I'm taking more risks as well.

Hmmmm... Haven't really done too much risky yet, but I haven't been 30 for even half a day yet.

**** Now that I'm 30+lbs past that I struggle between balancing what's really important, my family, and accepting what I can do for myself as enough.
**** Now that I'm 30 years back from Vietnam, that was halfway back to now.

These two don't apply to me so much.

**** Now that I’m 30, I feel even more concerned about what’s going to happen.

I 'm actually pretty sure there's a guy who talks to everyone the day they turn 30 and tells them everything that's going to happen. I'm expect him to be there at my 3:00 meeting.

**** Am I a curmudgeon, now that I'm 30?

That is for you, the reader, to decide.


At 2:12 PM, Blogger Joe Grossberg said...

I used turning 30 as the milestone to finally get healthy.

I also decided that I could still play X-box, but -- unlike at age 29 -- I had to stop and think about it for a second.

At 3:07 PM, Blogger dara said...

Sounds like you're taking it in stride, old man. Sorry I won't be there to help celebrate. Have an extra Snoopy Snow Cone for me.


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