Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Today's Quick Blogging

Kind of busy today. I'm going to get to those Petty posts I promised eventually. I promise.

But for now:

***** Did you ever wonder what it would look like if someone acted out Super Mario Brothers on stage, complete with people dressed in all black, against a black backdrop, trying to hide in the shadows as they carry mushrooms and bricks and stuff across the stage? Now you don't have to.

***** Today's the day when Connecticans (or whatever you call them) get to stick it to Joe Lieberman. Kos had a good write-up on the matter.

***** Speaking of Kos and Lieberman, I now see that Fox News putting up some of their hilarious joke captions on the screen in their discussion of the election. Wait a minute, those aren't jokes? Oh, I see.

***** Speaking of Fox News, they're hiring Dennis Miller to be a frequent contributor to HANNITY and colmes. Note to Dennis Miller... you haven't been funny since about 1990.

***** Now back to Snakes on a Muthafuckin' Plane. A funny interview with Sam the Man at Ain't it Cool News. Particularly funny is the part about, um, tits.

That should be enough to keep you occupied for a while.


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