Monday, October 01, 2007

Five Most Overrated Directors of All Time

I hate doing lists like this. They make me feel kind of dirty. I should celebrate film, not tear it down.

But, for whatever reason, when I get an idea like this, I just have to go through with it.

This is actually a response to Filmspotting's lists on the same topic, which included directors I LOVE like Tim Burton, Robert Rodriguez and Peter Jackson.

Anyway, here are the five most overrated directors of all time. One note... like on Filmspotting's lists, anyone who has ever made a "masterpiece," like, say, George Lucas, is exempt.

5. Ron Howard. His best movie was A Beautiful Mind, I actually thought Da Vinci Code was OK, Cocoon and Splash were fine back in the day, Apollo 13 is tolerable. But the dude has NEVER made a GREAT movie. If I was grading his work, I wouldn't give him above a B yet.

4. Guillermo Del Toro. He's still relatively new and might have better work to come, but why do people think Pan's Labyrinth is so great? It did nothing for me, nor did Hellboy.

3. Brian De Palma. Scarface was sort of fun, but it was completely campy and by no means "Great." Carrie was a somewhat better flick, but why is this guy held in such high esteem? I know he's not at the Scorcese/Spielberg level, but he seems to be thought of by many in the next level. Why is that?

2. Wes Anderson. I don't understand why people love him so much. Rushmore is his best work to date, and it's merely mediocre. Bottle Rocket and Royal Tennebaums did absolutely nothing for me.

1. David Lynch. He's the Pink Floyd of film. Blue Velvet was pretty good (perhaps his Dark Side of the Moon, but not THAT good).... Straight Story is his only other movie worth watching, and that's because he made a straightforward movie INSTEAD of the rambling crap he usually makes.

I'm going to go take a shower now.


At 2:34 PM, Blogger dara said...

I agree with #1, but only because I still have nightmares about Eraserhead.


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