Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Good day for Democrats....

Look. No WMD. We already knew that. Bush (sort of) admits that. But it's good for that to be in the headlines the day after the VP debate. It fits into the "Cheney is a pathological liar" story.

We are winning the post debate spin war too. Cheney met Edwards at least three times before the debate and has only presided over the Senate on 2 Tuesdays (he might go to Reupublican Caucus meetings more than that, which Edwards wouldn't have attended). Even better, Edwards has presided over the Senate on as many Tuesdays as Cheney. Hillary Clinton has presided more often than Cheney.

Throw this into the pot with Cheney's whopper about never claiming a connection between Al Qaeda and Iraq, and bring to a boil. Lets get Cheney like the Repubs got Gore in 2000.


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