Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Edwards vs. Predator, I mean Cheney

No knockout punches thrown. It was pretty much a draw. It might be spun as a Cheney win because the media likes to be perceived as "fair," and declaring Cheney the winner sort of balances out the Bush train wreck last week. And I will concede that Edwards could have done some things better.

But, Cheney made alot of goofs. Lets start with the big one...

"I have not suggested there's a connection between Iraq and 9/11."

Kos has the goods on this one. I say the DNC should use Cheney's debate quote and the Meet the Press footage in an ad.

The next one... Cheney claims he never met Edwards before the debate. Thanks again to Kos, there's a photo to suggest otherwise.

Next up... I'm sure George Soros is glad that Cheney is pushing his anti-Bush message, too. Cheney probably meant to point people to, a website that I can't get through to at the moment, but had a story about Bush's misleading statements about Kerry's health plan last night. Brilliant, Cheney, Brilliant.

Those are the doozies, but there are other issues....

Why didn't Cheney say a word about Israel when this was a direct question during the debate?
How does he defend the President's support of a Federal Marraige Amendment when he says himself that states should make the decisions?
Why didn't he respond adequately to questions about Halliburton?
Why the hell are higher aspirations a hindrance to the vice presidency? Did he support George Bush as vice president under Reagan?

That's a start. I might have more later.


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