Thursday, March 08, 2007

An Atheist in Congress?

Sounds like that's the case, or someone who claims to be a "non-theist" anyway. A congressman will "out" himself as a "non-theist" on Monday.

My big question... what's Virgil Goode going to do this time? He threw a hissy fit when Keith Ellison swore in on Thomas Jefferson's Koran. And all Ellison did was pray to a different god than Goode. Goode's gonna LOVE it when a colleague of his doesn't pray to God at all.

Congress is going to get more and more diverse and, thankfully, there's nothing Virgil Goode can do to stop it. I welcome a Congress with Jews, Christians, Muslims, Atheists and, heck, anyone of any faith who can get themselves elected. I'm very interested in finding out who it is and I consider this person to be very courageous (Yes, even if its a Republican).


At 9:48 AM, Blogger DSL said...

Do you think it's someone who will not be running for another term anyway? Does it really matter what one person from Congress thinks as long as this man or woman's constituents support him or her? I'm guessing it's not someone from the Bible Belt.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger dara said...

One of Congress's biggest problems is its tendency to be like a big, white, male, Christian country club. Unfortunately, though, power -- or electability -- is still inextricably intertwined with money, so it's not like we're going to be seeing a Congress full of Santarians and Wiccans any time soon.

At 10:09 AM, Blogger DSL said...

But let's be honest...I think most of the country might hesitate before the thought of a Congress full of Santarians and Wiccans. How many would vote for a Scientologist?

At 12:41 AM, Blogger dara said...

Seriously? Not that many -- unless you're talking about St. Petersburg, Florida or Los Angeles. Still, it's many many more than would vote for a Santarian or a Wiccan. Scientology has a ton of money, and can buy some measure of respectability.


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