Thursday, April 06, 2006

4 8 15 16 23 42

If those numbers look familiar to you, you've probably been watching Lost. If they're familiar to you for some other reason, you're probably PART of the mystery of Lost, and you don't even know it. In the last couple months I've finally gotten into it. I didn't watch season one at all, but I've been sucked into season two for a while now. I've been trying to read old episode summaries to fill in the vital pieces of the puzzle that I've missed.

Last night's episope was a real mind trip. What the hell is going on? Is Hurley really on the island? Is Dave real? Is Libby real? Is everyone in the entire Island in the mental institution? I just don't know. What's up with the numbers?

Yesterday, I found the website (Please note, for some reason I was able to read messages yesterday without registering, but today I had to register. At least it's free.) It's full of all kinds of theories about what's going on. It's worth a visit if you're into the theories. A couple stand out to me as being plausible, if not probable. Here's your chance to stop reading if you don't want to know...........
Remember when the clock counted down all the way to zero before Locke reset it a few weeks ago and the clock showed hieroglyphics instead of numbers? Apparently the hieroglyphics translate as "die." For more, read this thread.

This one's from another blog, but it appears the continued appearance of Connect Four at the mental institution in Hurley flashbacks is no coincidence. This post was written well before last night's episode. Last night, Hurley's friend was staring at the Connect Four board and repeating the numbers over and over, which I think gives this theory more ground to stand on.


At 12:59 PM, Blogger dara said...

Justin, as you well know, I aboslutely adore Lost. (And,as I've said before, if you want to borrow the 1st season, no problem.) I am still as intrigued by the mystery as I ever was, and love the websites. The two you posted are great. I just hope that (a) the websites don't ruin the mystery of the show and (b) the writers can keep it going by not revealing too much too fast.

So, it it weird that I didn't particularly like last night's episode? I found it predictable, and somewhat derivative of The Sixth Sense.


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