Thursday, September 23, 2004

Novakian (adj.)

I struggle to find words to describe accurately just how I feel about Robert Novak. I hate to pick on the guy. He's a University of Illinois alum like me, after all. But he is on his own pedestal of, well, douchebaggery is the word the Daily Show uses, but I don't want to steal their thunder.

Ok, so you all know about the Plame affair, where Novak refused to reveal the source of the Bush Administration official who leaked the name of a CIA operative to him. You also may remember that a few weeks ago, when speaking of the CBS scandal on Crossfire, Novak said....

"All I say is, all CBS has to say is where do these documents come from." And for this, the Daily Show awarded him the Congressional Medal of Douchebag.

Guess what, Bobby. CBS revealed their source, interviewed him, the whole shebang. Now it's time for you to reveal your sources.

So today, I was reading Novak's Sun_Times column, and I was struck again by this man's nerve. He is clearly cowering at the fact that the Kerry Campaign has teeth know, and the charge is being led by a couple of decidedly gutsy men like Joe Lockhart and Terry McAuliffe. So this is what he had to say about the situation....

"Nevertheless, it is difficult to exaggerate the Democratic dismay over Lockhart and McAuliffe. In talking to a variety of Democrats who seldom agree with each other, I was surprised by the unanimous concern over the distractions. "

Again, I ask Novak, reveal your sources. Tell me who these Democrats are. They certainly aren't the ones here. Or here. Or yours truly.

I can't find the exact words to express how I feel about this man, so I'll have to use the word "Novakian" to describe people like Bobby. I need a definition.

If you have any suggestions about how to define "Novakian," please leave them in my comment section.


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