Friday, March 24, 2006

Speed bloging

I didn't do any bloging yesterday, so here's my speedy attempt to catch up.


Chris points us to the vice-president's tour rider. TVs must be turned to Fox News, the vice-president's wife drinks fancy French water, and my personal favorite, all lights must be turned on and the air conditioning set to 68 degrees. To paraphrase Jon Stewart from last night's show, when the vice-president is in town, you gotta waste all the energy you can!


The Dixie Chicks have a new album coming out and a song called "Not Ready to Make Nice," which is basically a big fuck you to the people that boycotted them after their comments about Bush. I love these chicks. Country music is SUPPOSED to be about being a rebel, so kudos to them for not rolling over and playing dead.


Speaking of not ready to make nice, I watched the season premiere of South Park, where Chef got killed off and Trey and Matt got some more digs in at Scientology. I liked the tone of the episode. Don't blame Isaac Hayes, blame the club he joined. It wasn't Isaac that killed Chef. It was Scientology. YOU BASTARDS!


Onion Headline --- Ichiro: 'The Best Part About Playing For My Country Was Not Playing For The Seattle Mariners'. Harsh, but funny.


Jorge Garcia, Hurley from Lost, is backing out of a chance to play Harry Knowles in a movie. It's a shame, Jorge was perfect for the part. But he's being replace by someone who will make the most of the opportunity to play Harry... Silent Bob himself. Kevin Smith.


Speaking of Harry Knowles, Ain't it Cool News has more info on Snakes on a Plane. They're reshooting part of the movie to bring it from a PG 13 movie to an R rating. This movie is going to have a huge opening weekend based on the fan frenzy already surrounding it.


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