Monday, February 13, 2006

Last Week's Trivia Question

The Question:

What do the following people all have in common?

Henry Rollins, Magic Johnson, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Gilda Radner, Jesse Jackson, Maya Angelou, Orson Welles, Martin Luther King, Jr., Carl Sandburg, and Ben Kingsley.

The Answer:

Dara, in the comments section, said:

"I know the answer to this if the list also includes Hillary Rodham Clinton, Sidney Poitier, Levar Burton, Christopher Reeve, Charles Kuralt, Ken Burns, and Garrison Keillor."

I'm assuming that she knew the answer was that all of the above were winners of Grammies for Spoken Word. Including this year's winner, Illinois's own Barack Obama.

If not, I'd like to hear what her answer was. Stay tuned, more trivia coming soon!


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